Great Inventors and Their Inventions Video Companion & Study Guide

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Great Inventors and Their Inventions Study Guide

If you've purchased our Great Inventors and Their Inventions Study Guide or if you're just reading the book on your own, here's a video companion guide to help you enjoy your study.  If you need the book, you can purchase a copy here or download a free digital version here!

James Watt and the Invention of the Steam Engine

Robert Fulton and the Invention of the Steamboat

George Stephenson and the Invention of the Locomotive

Invention of the Electric Engine and the Electric Locomotive

The Invention of Spinning Machines: The Jenny, The Water Frame, and The Mule

Eli Whitney and the Invention of the Cotton Gin

Elias Howe and the Invention of the Sewing Machine

Cyrus H. McCormick and the Invention of the Reaper

Henry Bessemer and the Making of Steel

John Gutenberg and the Invention of Printing

Samuel F. B. Morse and the Invention of the Telegraph

Alexander Graham Bell and the Invention of the Telephone

Other Famous Inventors of Today

 -Thomas A. Edison

-Orville and Wilbur Wright

-Guglielmo Marconi

-John P. Holland and the Submarine

Additional Inventors Included in Later Versions of the Book

-John L. Baird and the Invention of the Television

-Wernher Von Braun and the Rockets to the Moon

-The Invention of the Computer

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