5 Ways to Seal an Envelope


How do you prefer your envelopes? 

Sealed with a kiss, or without? 

We prefer ours sealed without a kiss!

Despite the horrid taste of envelope glue, it does actually seem quite unsanitary to simply “lick” an envelope to wet the adhesive to seal the envelope shut.  And for those of us who send bulk mailings of any type, whether it’s seasonal cards to all of our aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas; wedding invitations, graduation announcements, or other event invitations the question is bound to come up one day if it hasn’t already...  

How do I seal ALL of these envelopes without having to lick them?

And don’t forget the dreaded hazard of a paper cut on the tongue!  That’s enough to have us all running for a new envelope sealing method immediately!

Here are 5 easy alternatives to licking your envelopes

#1 Q-tip

Simply wet the end of Q-tip, glide it across the adhesive strip of your envelope, press, and seal. 

#2 Sponge or Sponge Brush

Using the same method as the Q-tip only a bit less drippy while holding enough water to wet a few envelope seals at a time.

#3 Paint Brush

Try this variation on watercolor paint and paint your envelope adhesive strips!

#4 Envelope Moistener with Sponge

If you have tons of envelopes to seal at one time, consider purchasing a sponge-tipped envelope moistener bottle or a pencil style moistener.. 

Our Favorite Way to Seal Envelopes

#5 Envelope Moisteners with Adhesive

The perfect solution for envelopes whose adhesive is not so, well, adhesive. Just help them out a bit and use a glue stick to seal them.  Here’s a great version that is a moistener and glue stick in one.

They are envelope-sealing lifesavers!  And while I've used the sponge moisteners that you fill with water a ton, I've had much better and more consistent success with the envelope moisteners WITH adhesive. 

They are our preferred envelope sealing method for ALL of our mailings here at Heritage Letter.  They make sealing envelopes quick, easy, and effective every time!

Bonus Alternative

If you like to get creative and enjoy fun, whimsical colors and prints, why not simply ignore the adhesive strip on your envelopes altogether and tape them shut by joining the Washi Tape rage? 

Washi tape is available for every color, pattern, and occasion you can imagine!  Here’s a wonderful starter set that’s sure to have a fitting tape for any envelope you need to seal.

More Tips for Card & Letter Writing

Did you know that April is National Card & Letter Writing Month? 

It's a perfect time to practice these tips on envelope sealing techniques while you make a connection with a family member or friend, and share some love with the people that make your world a better place!  There's something special about receiving snail mail from a loved one that is sure to brighten anyone's day including the person who sent it!

Check out Write-On's wonderful website to get you inspired to write more letters. 

If you need some stationery or delightful postcards, my favorite shops are One-Per Week and LouPaper

Also, check out this amazing blog post from Lori at One-Per Week, it's full of helpful tips and tricks and inspiration about letter writing and letter writing supplies.

We hope this helps you know some new ways to seal your envelopes WITHOUT a kiss!  

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