High School History, Government, and Economics for Homeschoolers
High School, Homeschool, History, Government, Economics...tie those subjects together and you may be scratching your head wondering what to do and how to give your high schoolers the best foundation you can in American History, Government, and Economics. I believe that we've never before been in such a crucial time period in US history to do everything we can to insure that our children receive a history education that is TRUE, RIGHT, BEAUTIFUL, and ACCURATE.
Today there are many voices that call out to us about American history and that want to re-write it to make it something that it IS NOT and WAS NOT. Voices that want to undermine the sacrifices made by many, the bravery, the honor, and the value of of their contributions to our history and the foundation of our government and replace it with lies and hatred for the men who gave their lives and their life work for the dream of a nation whose laws could stand the test of time and right the failures of eons of world governments before them.

As our children have grown we have repeatedly sought after books, curriculum, and other resources that will inspire them to grow in their PATRIOTISM and UNDERSTANDING of our country's history. Part of that quest led us to create our Heritage Letters to help you supplement your children's education about US History.
As our children have reached high school age, we have increasingly sought for sources that we trust and can give them a firm footing in their understanding, knowledge, and passion for American history that will serve them for a lifetime. An education that will be rich, will challenge them to think critically, and form opinions based on facts not feelings so that they will become patriotic citizens who can stand up for what they believe to be right and in adherence to the original intent of the US Constitution for the remainder of their lives.
Is is with these ideals that we have found the following classes and resources to be invaluable to our homeschool. We recommend them each to you with the highest of admiration and trust in their teachings.
Liberty Classroom
If you want kids who KNOW their history, then THIS is the high school curriculum you NEED! Liberty Classroom's US History to 1877 and US History Since 1877 courses will take care of your children's US history requirements. The Western Civilization to 1500 and Western Civilization Since 1500 courses can fulfill their world history requirements. And there is so much more, economics, logic, US Constitutional History and more, just check out the course list to see everything they have to offer!
One note, there are no tests or assignments involved with these classes so you will need to add whatever you feel your students need to show understanding of the subject matter. That withstanding, I do not know of ANY better teaching that will help your high schoolers understand not only the who, what, and where of history but also the HOW and the WHY. After going through the Liberty Classroom classes your high schooler will UNDERSTAND history better than ever before!
Liberty Classroom is a membership site so you'll have access to ALL of their classes during whichever membership option you choose. The classes offer both audio and video options as well as suggested readings. They are great options for uploading to MP3 players.
Their classes are excellent for parents as well! We have used them in our home with success for Middle Grade (6th-8th) History as well with great success.
Liberty First Society
Do you want your students to KNOW the US Constitution better than anyone els you know? Then Liberty First Society is for you!
Constitutional lawyer Krisanne Hall KNOWS the Constitution and is an excellent communicator. She is passionate about the history of our Constitution and about helping others to understand what the original framers meant when they wrote it. She and her husband, JC, who teaches some of the classes, will have your high schoolers EDUCATED, PASSIONATE, and ARTICULATE about our US Constitution!
Another membership site that offers excellent teaching, Liberty First Society can help your high schoolers fulfill their US Government requirements and learn so much more than you ever imagined possible. If you want your high schoolers to become Liberty Loving Patriots, check out their course listing here then subscribe to start learning TODAY!
You may have heard of the Tuttle Twins book series for elementary aged children, but did you know that they offer books for teens as well and an Economics Curriculum that you can use for the whole family?
Check out the Tuttle Twins Choose Your Consequence books, Logical Fallacies, or learn about Courageous Heroes and Inspiring Entrepreneurs today! Your state may not require high school economics, but that doesn't mean your high schoolers don't NEED to know about it!
The Tuttle Twins Economics Curriculum is designed with the whole family in mind and offers activities for ages 5-11 and 12-17 to help you customize it to your families needs. The lesson plans also include links to help parents and even high school students delve deeper into the topics to gain a more in-depth understanding.
A Special Note for You
We know that there is a vast array of US History, Government, Economics and other related curriculums available today. The resources we have listed above are the ones we use in our own home to help our middle schooler and high schooler learn about these topics. Through the use of these resources they have developed a love of US History, a passion for our Constitution, and a greater understanding of how our country works than we could have thought possible.
While we know that no program is the perfect fit for every family, we do highly recommend these resources to you as you consider your students' educational needs. As you might have guessed our family is deeply passionate about US history and patriotism. Helping our children and yours grow in their understanding and love for our country is our mission and our privilege!
P.S. All of these courses are excellent for Mom and Dad too! You'll definitely enjoy the dinner conversations that center on what you're all learning in these courses!
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