Clara Barton Lesson Plans

There are so many wonderful directions you can go with a study on Clara Barton!  Our top recommendations are to study her life, the American Red Cross, First Aid, human anatomy, medicine or the American Civil War.  Here are a few ideas to get you started in those areas!

You can grab your free downloads to go along with the Clara Barton letter here!


Clara Barton Letter


Don't have our Clara Barton Heritage Letter yet?  You can grab the snail mail version here or the digital version here!

For All Ages


Watch as American Heroes Channel tell about Clara Barton and the Civil War

C-SPAN Presents American Artifacts Preview: Clara Barton National Historic Sit

Watch as a Clara Barton historical reenactor tells about the time that Barton was preparing to aid wounded soldiers in the Civil War:


  • Clara Barton National Historic Site in McLean, VA
    In addition to touring the site in person, there is an interactive web tour option and the option to earn 2 Junior Ranger Badges in person or from home:
    • Visit all 6 Clara Barton Trail Sites or Mail the Traveling Clara Barton page to each site and complete the Junior Ranger Worksheet to earn your Traveling Clara Barton Badge.  Find each of the trail sites on a map for a wonderful way to integrate geography into your learning. 


    Dress Up

    • Would you like to dress like Clara Barton?  Here are some wonderful tips from the Clara Barton National Historic Site.  You can also check out their Clara Barton Shopping List for items you might bring to assist during a crisis.  Or keep it simple and use the Red Cross armband or patch from our free printables.




        • Practice your nursing skills on a stuffed animal or doll.  Bandage a wound, take its temperature, provide it comforts like a bed and blanket.  Dress like Clara Barton with our Red Cross armband or patch from our free printables.




        • Help stock and organize your home first aid kit.  Learn how to use some of the items in the kit.

        • Create a display or banner with the vintage Red Cross posters in our free printables then design your own poster to include with them.

        • Dress like Clara Barton and give a presentation on some aspect of her life to your friends and/or family.  Here are some wonderful tips for this from the Clara Barton National Historic Site.

        Middle School/High School



        • Help stock and organize your home first aid kit.  Learn how to use some of the items in the kit.

        • Volunteer to help at your local Red Cross.

        • Take a Red Cross First Aid or CPR Class
        • Create a display or banner with the vintage Red Cross posters in our free printables then design your own poster to include with them.  Look for  modern Red Cross posters and do the images and wording they use compare or contrast with the vintage posters?  How does this show the changes in the types of services the Red Cross performs?


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